Spa Memberships

Spa Memberships are available for our Salt Cave in Banbury.
A range of spa memberships are available for our customer's needs and requirements.

We have different memberships available prices and info below.


You receive 5 x 60 minute salt inhalation therapy.
Also 5% discount off
any treatment you book with us for 3 months
after you’ve purchased your membership

* Discount prices apply only to regular prices not promotion prices.


5 x 60 minute salt inhalation therapy.
5 x 60 minute relaxing massage treatments.
Also 10 % off any further treatment you book
within 6 months of membership.

* Discount prices apply only to regular prices not promotion prices.


You receive 5 x 60 minute salt inhalation therapy.
Also 5% discount off
any treatment you book with us for 3 months
after you’ve purchased your membership

* Discount prices apply only to regular prices not promotion prices.


You receive 5 x 60 minute salt inhalation therapy.
Also 5% discount off
any treatment you book with us for 3 months
after you’ve purchased your membership

* Discount prices apply only to regular prices not promotion prices.