Himalaya Salt Cave

Himalaya salt cave

Himalaya salt cave

Halotherapy, which is also known as salt cave therapy, involves sitting inside our specially created salt room while halogenerator pumps salt-infused air into the room. The walls are made of pink Himalayan salt bricks, while the ground is covered with loose salt rocks.

Our salt cave include lights called speleotherapy which give the atmosphere a subdued and peaceful glow, the air is dry and cool, with a temperature set to around 68°F or lower.
Although the concept of a cave made of salt might sound intimidating, the result is a cozy, spa-like environment that’s perfect for unwinding and disconnecting.
Inside the salt cave, you will find comfortable and relaxing chairs to recline in during your salt cave experience or if you prefer, you may be able to sit or lie on the salt rock floor. Due to the cool temperature of the room, there are blankets provided for clients to ensure they are comfortable and warm despite the cool ambient temperature. During the treatment, most people sit quietly and relax or while breathing in the salt-infused air. There will be a peaceful soundtrack playing in the background, much like the soft music or sounds of natures you’d hear during spa treatment.

Benefits of Halotherapy

  • 100% natural, non- invasive and drug – free
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-fungal properties that can fight germs.
  • Improving lung capacity respiratory conditions (asthma, sinusitis, COPD, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, emphysema)
  • The detoxifying effects of breathing in salt-rich air reduce symptoms of various respiratory illnesses
  • Improving skin conditions, (psoriasis, eczema, acne, dermatitis)
  • Reduce inflammation, -strengthen the immune system (allergies, cold, cough, hay fever)
  •  Improving sleep quality and reducing snoring
  • Reduce the signs of aging.
  • When salt therapy is practised on a regular basis, it can help improve our well-being and quality of life.

Our salt cave is perfect for those who suffer from certain health problems and can help
It is one of the safest, pain-free and most relaxing form of treatment for all ages with no side effects.

Himalaya salt cave

What should I wear in the salt cave?

Himalaya salt cave

What should I wear in the salt cave?
Whether you’re coming for a spa day or a massage at salt cave, we recommend you wear any type of clothing that is comfortable.

If you are visiting our salt cave for skin treatments, then wearing shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt is best so the salt particles can absorb and contact your exposed skin.

It is necessary to wear clean white socks. We will have white socks available for purchase if the need arises. We also provide shoe covers for those who would prefer to keep their shoes on.

Why choose Our Salt Cave?
Whether you’re coming for a spa day or a massage at salt cave, we recommend you wear any type of clothing that is comfortable. If you are visiting our salt cave for skin treatments, then wearing shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt is best so the salt particles can absorb and contact your exposed skin. Our salt cave offers the best possible alternative experience to visiting natural salt mines providing an optimal environment for people that are suffering from different respiratory conditions to alleviate their symptoms.

We use Dermalogica and Espa products in many of our treatments which we find are the ultimate products which help us to achieve the quality we expect from our clients. So please browse through our website to discover the incredible range of treatments available to you at the Himalaya Salt Spa.